About Me

Ahmed Abuzuraiq, ... a research-guided and design-minded developer.

Ahmed M. Abuzuraiq is a PhD student at Simon Fraser University. His research focuses on the intersection of Human-Computer Interaction (esp. data viz) and Generative A.I., especially as applied to creative domains. His work includes exploring generative algorithms, designing and developing tools for data-informed design in architecture, and exploring/expanding the practices of crafting and adapting generative AI models by visual artists.

As for the history of that, it started with a desire to make games, which led to procedural content generation in games, which led to generative design in architecture, which during my masters at SIAT to data visualization applied to generative design + deeper understanding of how technology and tools shapes us, which led a more general interest in the intersection of generation x augmentation, which now manifests as exploring (as an HCI researcher) and transforming (as a designers and creative technologist) the practices of crafting and adapting generative AI models/workflows. This is a more personal account of my journey so far.